2021, a year that keeps strengthening the Faith, Love, and Hope of Los Cabos.
As an artist, Ivan Guaderrama has marked the world around him. He has brought a message of faith and love to all those whom God has approached on his way. But even more important than his entire career as an artist is the footprint he has left as an instrument of God’s hands to proclaim his wonders in the world.
Over the years, Ivan Guaderrama and his entire team have committed to sharing the message of love, faith, and hope to the world through art. To connect people and awake their senses with their interactive art.
This year as in others, Ivan Guaderrama has joined new activities that have fed his soul, as of his team, and contributed to the community in mixed ways. He has collaborated with civil associations for community aid and tourism promotion in Los Cabos internationally.
“Bridging the gap” is the phrase that highlights one of the foundations that have contributed various initiatives to help the communities of Los Cabos. Tom Ramsey Foundation, which with its campaign “one love, one world, one community.” has the purpose of building an educational and recreational facility in a Cabo San Lucas neighborhood that will benefit around 40 families in the community. Ivan Guaderrama has joined the cause by being a spokesperson for it and donating a Limited Edition collection of interactive artwork known as “Azel” at the foundation’s May 2021 auction, with new projects on the horizon arriving in 2022.
Founded by Tom Walsh, the “Los Cabos children’s foundation” contributes to the community with aid programs based on four pillars: joy, love, hope, and service. The Unity project consists of an interactive t-shirt that involves the creativity of Mexican artisans and the innovative interactive art technology of Ivan Guaderrama, inspiring the support and donation to the foundation to achieve its objectives.
Los Cabos has become one of the favorite touristic destinations in Mexico internationally. The Fiturca Los Cabos is in charge of promoting the destination in other countries. Last November, the Fiturca Las Vegas was held where Ivan Guaderrama participated with interactive promotional artwork from Los Cabos. An interactive artwork piece that invited attendees to paint and get involved with the art piece by adding color and creativity; and then bringing it to life with the Ivan Guaderrama App, available on IOS and Android.
In the last 12 months, Ivan Guaderrama has left his footprint on different foundations that, without a doubt, have made a change in the world. A reason to feel grateful to God for having the chance to enforce the faith, love, and hope in new ways.
You can read more about the foundations and their projects on their webpages links below.
THE TOM RAMSEY FOUNDATION: www.thetomramseyfoundation.org
LOS CABOS CHILDREN: www.loscaboschildren.org
FITURCA: www.fiturca.com
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