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Los Cabos has been painted with colorful Art!

Los Cabos has been painted with colorful Art!

The new project that we present to you today offers various ways of experiencing art and innovation. In the next lines, we will tell you some of them. The interactive wall art brings us some interactive wings by Ivan Guaderrana that we can enjoy with a photo or a video while we become a colorful angel.

February 25, 2021February 25, 2021
MIA Jewelry: Uniqueness in perfection

MIA Jewelry: Uniqueness in perfection

A pearl-like woman; begins her journey through the world, perfect from the first day, expresses the uniqueness and beauty of her soul with each moment that she has to live, that has to grow, each joy and blues form her, to express her absolute perfection.

February 10, 2021February 25, 2021
Colors of Faith is Here!

Colors of Faith is Here!

Finally, the day of the "Colors of Faith" big launch art collection has arrived! Ivan and the entire team behind this great project are very excited that the time to share it with the world has arrived. Throughout, January 2021 the expectation and excitement of thousands of followers on the surprises that come with this new collection awoke.

January 27, 2021January 27, 2021
Piano Stairs: Innovation, dancing, music, and fun amaze all at the art walk.

Piano Stairs: Innovation, dancing, music, and fun amaze all at the art walk.

For this reason, Ivan Guaderrama's innovation has been presented once again with a novelty full of fun, dance, joy, and music that he has managed to play with a message of love to all who have experienced it, leaving them brimming with smiles and emotion. Piano stairs arrive at the Gallery of Ivan as an invitation to fill our hearts with that musical spark we mentioned earlier.

December 23, 2020December 23, 2020
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