Christian Artwork

Christian Paintings

“Since discovering the gift God has given me, I have been faithful in my search for the purpose for which he has given me such talents. It is clearer to me now than ever that God has given me the opportunity to spread the hope found in His word through art inspired by His Spirit. Through my relationship with Christ, my life has had some astounding changes, and no joy compares to seeing that experience begin to take shape with the many guests that visit our Gallery.

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Whether or not they are believers in the Lord, there has been countless guests of the gallery that have felt the holy spirit move in them through the art they have seen or purchased. I have no doubt in my mind that it is the message of the Lord placed in the art inspired by God that is causing such a reaction, the gut level understanding that if you are patient and put your life in His hands He will follow through with His abundant promises. My connection to God never ceases to amaze me. How he speaks to me through messages and daily devotionals, broadening my mind and introducing me to new concepts and techniques beyond my own belief. He is the tool that sharpens my talents and in return I am privileged to introduce Him to others through my art work. Because of the Lord I am able to make a successful living doing what I love the most, and for this I am forever grateful.” -Ivan Guaderrama



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