Ivan Guaderrama Art Gallery at Quivira

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Ivan Guaderrama Art Gallery at Quivira

We are happy to share that on February 12th, 2019, our new Ivan Guaderrama Art Gallery at “The Market” in Pueblo Bonito Sunset Hotel inside the Quivira Development in Cabo San Lucas was opened. This new and amazing opportunity to be present in such a tourist community with our message filled art has proven to be a total success. Many people have been touched by Ivan?s faith, hope, and love inspired work, people that otherwise wouldn´t have been exposed to it if it were not for this blessed invitation to participate with Pueblo Bonito Group in this project. Certainly, the most impressive and moving experience for the visitors has been the interactive art and the pieces that come alive and convey a spiritual message with the app. The gallery has brought additional life and attraction to this community area within the resort. God continues to reach out in ways we never thought off and we are so fortunate to serve him.

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