“Love One another” John 13:35 – Ivan Guaderrama Filter

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“Love One another” John 13:35 – Ivan Guaderrama Filter

Once again Ivan has surprised us launching his very first Instagram © Filter, it is amazing! Not only because of the design or the laughs that it brings us —which is super cool too! but because of the story behind Ivan’s inspiration.

Reading the Bible, Ivan found the verse of John 13:35 (NLT) “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” — Jesus is calling us to go further in our way to love everyone! I (Ivan) have seen in my own life how many times I have wasted opportunities to spend time loving others because of being distractive, or angry. Not realizing that my love for all those around me can be a living proof of my true devotion and love for Christ.

This is our invitation for you all. If we love intentionally, we will be proving others that Jesus not only made a real change in our lives, He keeps doing miracles through love in all us and for all of us! Our lives, love, faith and joy are our living testimony of God’s work in us.

And trying to provide a reminder of this, it’s how the idea of doing the Instagram filter came: “Love One Another”.

Down below we prepare a special video for you. Sharing our happiness and funny moments too using the filter! We are fascinated watching our friend’s videos, it encourages us to keep going on our mission: To share God’s message of Love, Faith and Hope through Art!

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