MIA Jewelry: Uniqueness in perfection

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MIA Jewelry: Uniqueness in perfection

The world is undoubtedly awash in beauty and perfection, and regardless of the direction we turn, we will always find nature at its best, authentic, singular, unique, diverse in every way.
At the bottom of the ocean day after day, a sphere, fruit of nature is growing, an incredible event, beautiful from its birth, authentic and unique in every possible way, the beginning of a journey, of a life full of dreams, desires, love & faith. A pearl-like woman; begins her journey through the world, perfect from the first day, expresses the uniqueness and beauty of her soul with each moment that she has to live, that has to grow, each joy and blues form her, to express her absolute perfection.
The world is full of a diversity of precious stones: and yet none is like a pearl; formed by a wound and covered by faith, it emerges as a natural miracle, unique and singular as each woman is, together they are the connection of the femininity and natural beauty.
At MIA Jewelry, we faithfully believe that by choosing a pearl, you are connecting your essence to it, selecting the beauty that must represent you in front of nature and the world. A choice that will be the proof and reminder of the wonder that you are in all your brightness.
A gift must come with your choice with a customizable interactive work that fills us with beautiful messages that feed our soul and heart with love and faith.
MIA Jewelry, founded by Imelda Favela, arrives at the Ivan Guaderrama galleries with a new collection inspired by the wonderful formation of natural pearls and with the conviction of connecting the beauty and authenticity that exists in every woman with these jewels of nature. The entire collection will have as exhibition points the Ivan Guaderrama galleries with its various locations in Quivira, Puerto Paraiso, and its main gallery in San José del Cabo.

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