Unveiling the sculptural letters of “San José del Cabo” by Ivan Guaderrama

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Unveiling the sculptural letters of “San José del Cabo” by Ivan Guaderrama

The team of Ivan Guaderrama did it again! The last November 7th the charming main square of San Jose del Cabo was dressed in color and Art for the enjoyment of its people and visitors. This time, Ivan Guaderrama along with his talented team and the municipal town hall of Los Cabos collaborated to create the letters of “San Jose del Cabo”. They are not only the perfect monument to record the visit to the town. But a lovely and short story of the delightful place and its people, that it can be simple tell, only using the “Ivan Guaderrama Art Gallery App” once you point it in front of the letter “D” comes alive.

Inside the creative work, Ivan and his team adventured themselves into the search to provide elements to convey the message love, hope, faith, friendship and family unity and characteristics of the people from San José, as well as most important monuments, its flora and fauna.

The arduous process took them about eight months, showing Ivan and his team an impeccable and precise job worthy of recognition of the whole people. Carrying out an event in which the “Unveiling of the letters” took place. Being present Ivan, his team and distinguished authorities of the city of Los Cabos all together celebrating The Art and Innovation in Los Cabos because San Jose del Cabo is the first destination with monumental letters in the world with augmented reality. We feel privileged to be a part of it. We greatly thank the Municipal President of Los Cabos Armida Castro, the Director of the Institute of Culture and Arts Xóchitl Calafia Pozo Martínez and the Municipal Director of Culture Linkage Rosaura Martínez, for the great honor, to have—as we mentioned before, the first interactive letters throughout the world, for the enjoyment of our community and tourism. To God, all the glory.

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