The first #NFT Cabo event , amazing people sharing experiences

NFT Cabo. Tickets worth $ 65,000 have been purchased and will be distributed to local artists. 

According to the message received Metaverse News:, Prepare for 2100 BC. President և Founder Philip K. Roark recently acquired 100 conference seats NFT Cabo Conference:total $ 65,000! 

in-depth coverage NFT Cabo Conference: can be found here: On the Metaverse News website. The Prepárate 2100 AC community is mostly made up of local artists and digital creators, so tickets are reserved for them. You can read more about the organization here here: 


During the conference in Los Cabos from February 24 to 28, the organizations will work together to offer an exciting Popup Art + NFT ride / adventure. To date, the majority of participants are insiders, NFT collectors, music business producers, investors, and digital artists outside Mexico, according to organizers. 

As a result of this agreement, NFT CABO will be able to offer know-how seminars in several languages. NFT-related educational opportunities are available to attendees, many of whom are local novice artists and musicians. The most important thing they will do is share the proven secrets of this new investment segment, specifically what strategies and technologies work. 

Here is the event’s Twitter: 

Leading NFT artists will lead special workshops hosted by Prepárate 2100 AC. You can find a list of participants և speakers on the event website. website 

This initiative will benefit everyone who attends. 
There will be hands-on training for Prepárate 2100 AC participants, most of whom are Los Angeles-based artists. The best artists will reveal their secrets to developing a vibrant NFT community and creating a thriving economy in space. The economic impact of the NFT movement is still in its infancy, but it is already causing huge cultural and economic transformations around the world. Graphic arts – electronic music – are emerging as a new form of cryptocurrency that can be invested by the general public. 

This is the best way to describe this event when Wall Street and San Jose Art Walk collide. 


PREPARE 2100 AC In Cape San Lucas, Mexico, is a non-profit civic association that combines cultural, academic, economic and professional activities to promote economic stability. 
PREPARATE 2100 AC has four agencies: Digital Art Scene, eSymphony, elMED and Digitize America. 
The Academy of New Tourism Arts is a PREPARAT 2100 AC organization. The NAAT team is committed to making Mexico the most visited tourist destination in the world. Tourists will have more reasons to visit Mexico if the expansion of the sector accelerates. 
LaGioconda.NFT is the latest creation of the Economic Alliance team. PREPARATE 2100 AC inspires the next generation of digital artists. 

Amazing live action on The first #NFT cabo event.
live painting of a #Ducati bike with mixed NFT art from our friend Aqomi PR Solutions Cabo
#Cabo #LosCabos #NFTs #nftart #NFTartist #NFTartists #Ducati #NFTGiveway #NFTCommunity


NAAT is coordinated by Prepárate 2100 AC 


“The NFT investment movement is backed by financial professionals, big business hits (known as whales), և it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that we’re about art և culture,” says AQOMI նկար’s artist և founder. Animal Kingdom Collection (TAKC) NFT community at Artist Focus My professional goal is to develop our NFT business. “Partnering with Phillip և Prepárate 2100 AC allows us to reach more people in the community, inspire more people to join this exciting economic and cultural movement.” 
To make the event accessible to all, the organizers և Prepárate 2100 AC are collaborating to support the development of Los Cabos և Baja California Sur’s cultural, art և music. 

Artists, musicians և investors, please email us at for tickets. 
Most tickets are free for members of the new Academy of Arts Tourism. 


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